Gender, war and militarism through the prism of feminist art: an intimate path, Nermina Trbonja and Adela Jušić, Journal Genre, sexualité & société 

December 2017
LINK to online article
DOI : 10.4000/gss.4860

Keywords : warSarajevogendered violencemilitarismfeminism

The interview with Adela Jusic opens the debate on the role of the artist in the creation of visual representations in the context of post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following her career pathway, Adela Jusic explains how her feminist engagement is embodied in her artistic practice. Through visual art, her work aims to break stereotypes, deconstruct patterns, denounce injustices and engender changes. Through multiple examples of her work, she offers an unprecedented reading of her feminist commitment and discusses militarization, the place of the victims in the contemporary post-war space, the gendered violence perpetrated through rape, and the issue of remembrance blurring the history of Bosnia and her family history.